How to Check Word Count on Google Docs?

How to Check Word Count on Google Docs

Are you working on a project or assignment with specific word count requirements? Have you ever wondered how many words are in your Google Docs document? Well, worry no more! In this blog post, we will guide you on effortlessly checking the word count in Google Docs. We’ll cover all the essential methods, from using the menu bar to keyboard shortcuts for a quick word count.

Additionally, we’ll show you how to track your word count while you type and even check the word count on mobile devices. Understanding your word count is crucial for meeting deadlines and ensuring your content fits within specified limits. So let’s start and master the art of checking your word count in Google Docs!

Why is Checking Word Count in Google Docs Essential?

Why is Checking Word Count in Google Docs Essential

Checking word count in Google Docs is crucial for various reasons. It helps meet document requirements and ensures conciseness. Additionally, it allows tracking progress and setting writing goals. Furthermore, knowing the word count aids in estimating reading time and planning content effectively.

How to Check Word Count on Google Docs?

To check the word count on Google Docs, navigate to the “Tools” menu and select “Word count.” A pop-up window will display your document’s total number of words and other statistics like pages and characters. This feature is beneficial for tracking progress, meeting word count requirements, and editing purposes.

Using the Menu Bar for Word Count

Using the Menu Bar for Word Count

In Google Docs, checking the word count of your document is a breeze. To do so, navigate to the top menu and click “Tools.” From the drop-down menu, select “Word count.” This will open a pop-up box displaying the number of words in your document. This will show the document’s count of pages, words, and characters. If you want to check the word count for a specific section, highlight that section before opening the word count tool. Whether you’re a writer, student, or anyone needing to keep track of your writing progress or meet word requirements, this feature can be incredibly helpful.

Utilizing Keyboard Shortcuts for Quick Word Count

Google Docs offers a convenient word count feature for checking your document’s length. To access it, select “Tools” in the menu bar and click on “Word count.” Alternatively, you can use keyboard shortcuts to view the word count quickly. On Windows or Chromebook, press Ctrl + Shift + C. On Mac, press Command + Shift + C. The word count window displays the total number of words, pages, characters (with and without spaces), and paragraphs in your document. This feature is particularly helpful for academic papers or documents requiring a specific length.

How to Keep a Real-Time Track of Word Count While You Type?

How to Keep a Real-Time Track of Word Count While You Type

To keep a real-time track of word count while typing in Google Docs, enable the “Display word count while typing” option in settings. This feature shows the word count at the bottom left corner of your document, helping you meet specific requirements or goals.

Checking Word Count in Google Docs on Mobile Devices

To check the word count in Google Docs on your mobile device, open the Google Docs app and select the document you want to check. Tap on the three dots in the top-right corner of the screen and choose “Word count” from the drop-down menu. The word count will be displayed at the bottom of the screen. You can also select a specific section of text to check the word count for just that portion.

What Elements are Included and Excluded in Google Docs Word Count?

Google Docs includes all visible text in the word count, such as headers, footers, and footnotes. However, it excludes text in text boxes, shapes, and images. Additionally, the word count does not include comments and hidden or “invisible” text. It’s important to note that word counts in Google Docs may differ slightly from other word-processing software due to varying counting methods for certain formatting elements.

How Does Word Count Affect Reading Estimates?

Word count plays a significant role in estimating reading time. It provides insight into the length and complexity of a text. Longer word counts suggest more detailed content, while shorter ones imply brevity. However, it’s important to note that word count alone doesn’t guarantee quality or readability.


Knowing the word count of your document is crucial for various reasons, such as meeting assignment requirements, optimizing content for SEO, or tracking progress. Google Docs provides easy ways to check the word count and keep a real-time track while you type. Whether you prefer using the menu bar or keyboard shortcuts, our blog covers all the methods to help you efficiently check word count in Google Docs. Additionally, we explain what elements are included and excluded in Google Docs’ word count and how it affects reading estimates.

FAQ – How to Check Word Count on Google Docs?

FAQ - How to Check Word Count on Google Docs

What is the shortcut for word count on a Chromebook?

The shortcut for a word count on a Chromebook is Ctrl+Shift+C. You can quickly check the word count in your Google Docs document by pressing this keyboard combination. The word count will be displayed at the bottom left corner of the document. Please note that this shortcut only works on Chromebooks.

Is there a tool to count specific words?

Yes, there is a tool to count specific words in Google Docs. You can access it by selecting “Tools” in the menu bar and selecting “Word Count.” This built-in tool displays the total number of words, characters (with and without spaces), and pages in your document. It’s a helpful feature for writers, students, and professionals who must keep track of their word count.

What does Alt F4 do?

Alt F4 is a keyboard shortcut commonly used to close the current application or window on Windows (or Command + Q on Mac). It provides a quick way to exit programs, but be cautious as unsaved work may be lost. Please note that Alt F4 does not relate to checking word count on Google Docs.

Does Google Docs have sentence count?

No, Google Docs does not provide a built-in feature for counting sentences. However, you can use third-party tools like WordCounter or online sentence counters to check the sentence count in your Google Docs document. These tools require you to copy and paste your text into their interface for an accurate count. Remember to proofread and edit your writing for clarity and conciseness, regardless of word or sentence count.

Where is tools on Google Docs?

Look at the top toolbar for the “Tools” menu on Google Docs. The “Tools” tab is located between “Table” and “Add-ons.” Click on it to access various features and options, including word count, spelling and grammar check, and more.


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