How to Get Admin Rights on Windows 10 Without Password? – A Tech Guide


Have you ever needed admin rights on your Windows 10 system but couldn’t remember the password? Don’t worry; you’re not alone. This tech guide will walk you through different methods to get admin rights on Windows 10 without a password. We will start by understanding the importance of administrator privileges and why you need them.

Then, we will dive into the various methods that can help you gain admin rights, including using the default built-in administrator account, eliminating the admin password for full access, resetting the admin password via a Microsoft account, and even reinstalling Windows 10 for a fresh admin account. However, it’s crucial to understand the risks of having admin rights without a password and how to secure your Windows 10 system. So, let’s get started and empower you with the knowledge to take control of your Windows 10 system.

Understanding Administrator Privileges on Windows 10

Understanding Administrator Privileges on Windows 10

Administrator privileges on Windows 10 provide crucial control over a computer. There are methods to gain admin rights without a password, such as using the Command Prompt or creating a new admin account. However, bypassing password security measures comes with risks and limitations. To maintain admin rights, it is important to update passwords and employ strong security measures regularly. By understanding the importance of admin rights, users can ensure they have the necessary control over their Windows 10 systems.

Importance of Admin Rights

Having admin rights on your Windows 10 computer is crucial for performing various tasks. You can change system settings, install software, and troubleshoot issues with administrator privileges. It also allows you to manage user accounts and customize your computer according to your needs. However, it’s important to exercise caution when granting admin rights as they can be misused or lead to security risks.

Suppose you need to remember the password for an admin account. In that case, there are methods you can try to regain access without a password, such as using a password reset disk or accessing the built-in administrator account. Remember to use these methods responsibly and only on computers you can access legally.

How to Get Admin Rights on Windows 10 Without Password? – Different Methods

Are you looking to gain admin rights on Windows 10 without a password? There are several methods you can try. One option is using the Command Prompt, while another is accessing the Advanced Startup Options menu with a Windows 10 installation disk or USB drive. You can also explore third-party password recovery tools designed for Windows systems. Keep in mind that unauthorized attempts can have serious consequences.

Using the Default Built-in Administrator Account

Using the Default Built-in Administrator Account

The default built-in Administrator account in Windows 10 is typically disabled for security reasons. However, it can be enabled through the Command Prompt or the Computer Management tool. You need an existing user account with administrative privileges to enable this account. Once enabled, you can log in to the built-in Administrator account without a password and have full admin rights. Using this account cautiously is important as it bypasses many security measures and can potentially harm your system if not used properly.

How to Log in as Built-in Administrator?

To log in as the built-in Administrator in Windows 10, follow these steps:

  1. Restart the system and hold F8
  2. This will navigate you to the Advanced Boot options
  3. Choose Safe Mode to boot your system safely and get into the built-in administrator
  4. Type the administrator password; if it’s wrong, the system will show “The user or password is incorrect”
  5. Close the dialog box, and the system will navigate you to the sign-in screen again
  6. Now, you can switch the user and enter a new admin and password.

Eliminating the Admin Password for Full Access

Eliminating the need for an admin password on Windows 10 can be achieved through various methods.

  • One option is to utilize the Command Prompt and the “net user” command, which allows you to create a new admin account.
  • Alternatively, you can leverage the Windows installation disk or USB drive to access the Command Prompt and remove the password for the existing admin account.
  • Another approach involves utilizing password reset tools or software to bypass the need for an admin password.

However, it’s crucial to note that these methods should only be utilized if you have legitimate reasons and proper authorization to access admin rights on a Windows 10 system.

Resetting Admin Password via Microsoft Account

Resetting Admin Password via Microsoft Account

If you have a Microsoft account linked to your Windows 10 user account, you can reset the admin password using the “I forgot my password” option on the login screen. This method requires an active internet connection and access to another device to complete the password reset process. Follow the instructions provided by Microsoft to reset your password and regain admin rights on your Windows 10 computer.

It’s important to note that this method will only work if you have previously set up a Microsoft account as an administrator on your Windows 10 system. Suppose you don’t have a Microsoft account or didn’t link it to your user account. In that case, consider alternative methods, such as using a password reset disk or third-party software, to regain admin rights without a password.

Reinstalling Windows 10 for a Fresh Admin Account

Reinstalling Windows 10 can be a drastic but effective way to gain admin rights without a password. This method involves erasing all data on the computer, so it should only be used as a last resort. To reinstall Windows 10, you will need a USB drive or DVD with the installation files. Boot from the installation media, format the hard drive, and reinstall Windows 10. Once the reinstallation is complete, you can set up a new admin account and regain full control over your computer.

What are the Risks of Having Admin Rights without Password?

Having admin rights without a password exposes your computer to unauthorized access, making it vulnerable to hackers and malware. It also allows anyone with physical access to your system to make unauthorized changes or delete important files. Protect your data by securing your admin rights with a strong password.

Tips for Securing Your Windows 10 System

Tips for Securing Your Windows 10 System

To ensure the security of your Windows 10 system, follow these tips:

  • Set a strong password for your user account, including a combination of letters, numbers, and special characters.
  • Enable two-factor authentication for an extra layer of security, requiring both a password and a verification code.
  • Use reliable antivirus software to detect and remove malware and viruses.
  • Be cautious when downloading and installing software from unknown sources, as they may contain malicious code.
  • Regularly backup your important files and data to an external storage device or cloud service to safeguard against data loss.

Can you Change the Administrator on Windows 10 without a Password?

Yes, it is possible to change the administrator on Windows 10 without a password. You can use the Command Prompt to reset the administrator password or rely on a Windows password recovery tool to bypass the password. However, it’s important to remember that changing the administrator without a password should only be done on your device or with proper authorization due to legal and ethical implications.


In conclusion, gaining administrator rights on Windows 10 without a password can be tricky. Before attempting any methods, understanding the risks and implications of bypassing security measures is important. While several methods are available, it’s crucial to prioritize the security of your system and take necessary precautions to protect your data.

FAQ – How to Get Admin Rights on Windows 10 Without Password?

FAQ - How to Get Admin Rights on Windows 10 Without Password

Is there any way to bypass administrator password Windows 10?

Bypassing the administrator password on Windows 10 is not recommended or ethical. It can lead to security risks and legal consequences. If you’ve forgotten your password, use official methods like password reset tools or contact Microsoft support. Always follow proper authorization and legal procedures for accessing system settings.

Which command gives you full administrative privileges?

To gain full administrative privileges on Windows 10 without a password, you can use the command “net user administrator /active:yes.” This enables the built-in Administrator account, allowing you to log in and have complete administrative rights. Remember to use this command carefully and only when necessary.

Is there a default administrator password?

No, there isn’t a default administrator password in Windows 10. You’ll need to set up a password when creating a new account. If you forget it, methods are available to reset or recover it. Keeping your administrator password secure is crucial for safeguarding your computer’s data.

How do you factory Reset a Windows 10 computer?

To factory reset a Windows 10 computer, go to the Start menu and click on the Settings icon. Then, select “Update & Security” and choose “Recovery.” Under the “Reset this PC” section, click “Get started” and follow the prompts to complete the factory reset process.

How do I open the Command Prompt in Windows 10 login screen?

Press and hold the Shift key to open the Command Prompt on the Windows 10 login screen. Then, click the Power icon in the bottom right corner and select Restart. Once your computer restarts into Advanced Startup mode, choose Troubleshoot > Advanced options > Command Prompt.


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