How to Mute Someone on Instagram? – A Step-by-Step Guide

How to Mute Someone on Instagram - A Step-by-Step Guide

Are you tired of seeing posts from certain people on your Instagram feed? Maybe you need a break from their constant updates. Well, lucky for you, Instagram has introduced a mute feature that allows you to hide someone’s posts, stories, and even direct messages without unfollowing them. In this step-by-step guide, we will walk you through the process of muting someone on Instagram, whether it’s their posts, stories, or direct messages.

We will also explain why Instagram introduced this feature and the difference between muting, blocking, and restricting someone on the platform. So if you’re ready to take control of your Instagram experience and create a more enjoyable feed, keep reading!

Why Instagram Introduced the Mute Feature?

Why Instagram Introduced the Mute Feature

Instagram introduced the mute feature to give users more control over their feeds. It allows them to hide posts and stories from specific accounts without unfollowing them, reducing unwanted content and maintaining a positive user experience. This feature is handy for managing relationships with friends, acquaintances, or brands whose content may not be attractive.

The Difference Between Muting, Blocking, and Restricting on Instagram

Muting on Instagram allows you to hide someone’s posts and stories from your feed without unfollowing them. Blocking, on the other hand, completely prevents someone from finding, following, or interacting with you on the platform. Restricting allows you to limit someone’s interactions with your posts, such as hiding comments or direct messages from them.

Muting is a more subtle approach to managing your Instagram experience while blocking and restricting are more definitive actions. It’s important to understand the differences between muting, blocking, and restricting to choose the right option for your specific situation on Instagram.

What Happens When You Mute Someone on Instagram?

When you mute someone, their posts will not appear in your feed. You can still view their profile and engage with their content if you choose to. Muting is a discreet way to manage your feed without unfollowing or blocking; the person you mute won’t be notified.

How to Mute Someone on Instagram? – A Step-by-Step Guide

To mute someone on Instagram, open the app and go to their profile. Tap the three dots in the top right corner, then choose “Mute” from the options. You can choose to mute their posts, stories, or both. It’s a simple process to control your Instagram experience.

How to Mute Someone’s Posts on Instagram?

Muting someone’s posts on Instagram is a discreet way to manage your feed without unfollowing or blocking them. To mute someone’s posts, go to their profile, tap the three dots on the top right, and select “Mute Posts.” Muted posts will not appear in your feed, but you can still view their posts by visiting their profile. You can unmute someone’s posts at any time by going to their profile and tapping “Unmute Posts.”

How to Mute Someone’s Stories on Instagram?

Muting someone’s stories on Instagram is a discreet way to control the content you see without unfollowing them. You can do this by going to their profile, tapping the three dots, and selecting “Mute Stories.” Another option is to long-press their story in your story feed and choose “Mute.” If you change your mind, follow the same steps and select “Unmute Stories.” This gives you peace of mind while staying connected on social media.

How to Mute Direct Messages on Instagram?

Muting direct messages on Instagram allows you to hide conversations without blocking or unfollowing the person discreetly. To mute a direct message, go to your inbox, swipe left on the conversation, and tap the “Mute” button. Muted conversations will still be visible in your inbox, but you won’t receive notifications for new messages. You can unmute a conversation anytime by swiping left on the muted conversation and tapping the “Unmute” button. Muting direct messages helps control your Instagram messaging experience and prioritize important conversations.


In conclusion, muting someone on Instagram can be a helpful tool for managing your social media experience. Whether you want to limit exposure to certain posts, stories, or direct messages, the mute feature allows you to customize your feed and prioritize the most relevant and enjoyable content.

It’s important to remember that muting someone is not the same as blocking or restricting them. Muting temporarily hides someone’s content without confrontation or severing the connection altogether. By following the step-by-step guide, you can easily navigate the mute feature on Instagram and create a more personalized and positive online environment for yourself.

FAQ – How to Mute Someone on Instagram?

FAQ - How to Mute Someone on Instagram

Can you mute someone on Instagram without them knowing?

Yes, it is possible to mute someone on Instagram without them knowing. When you mute someone, their posts and stories will no longer appear in your feed. The muted user will not receive any notification or alert about being muted. You can easily unmute them at any time if you change your mind.

How do you know if someone muted you on IG?

It’s impossible to know if someone has muted you on Instagram; however, it could be a sign if you notice a significant decrease in their engagement with your posts or stories. Please pay attention to their activity on your profile, such as likes, comments, and direct messages. They may have muted you if they consistently ignore or avoid your content.

Can someone still see my story if I mute them?

When you mute someone on Instagram, their posts and stories no longer appear in your feed. However, muting does not prevent them from seeing your content. They can still view your stories unless you block them. Muting offers control over your feed without cutting off contact.

Why can’t I mute someone on Instagram?

There could be a few reasons you ca unable to mute someone on Instagram. The person you’re trying to mute may have blocked or restricted you. Another reason could be a temporary issue with the app or your device. If you need help, try updating the app or contacting Instagram support.


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