How to Remove Page Breaks in Word? – A Quick Guide

How to Remove Page Breaks in Word - A Quick Guide

Have you ever found yourself needing help with page breaks in Microsoft Word? They can be frustrating, especially when they disrupt the flow of your document. In this quick guide, we will deeply dive into page breaks in Word and understand their different types. We will then focus on the main topic – how to remove page breaks in Word.

Whether you are using Windows or Mac, we’ve covered you with step-by-step instructions for both platforms. Additionally, we will explore how to adjust automatic page breaks and why it is important to manage them effectively. Say goodbye to unwanted page breaks and ensure a seamless reading experience with this comprehensive guide.

Understanding Page Breaks in Word

Understanding Page Breaks in Word

Page breaks are an essential element of formatting in Microsoft Word. They mark the end of one page and the beginning of a new one, allowing you to control the layout of your document. There are two types of page breaks in Word – manual and automatic. The user inserts manual page breaks to force a new page at a specific location.

To remove a manual page break, place your cursor just before the break and press the Delete key. On the other hand, automatic page breaks are added by Word based on the content and layout of your document. If you want to adjust automatic page breaks, modify paragraph settings or use the pagination option in the Page Layout tab.

Managing page breaks effectively is important to avoid unwanted breaks and ensure a smooth document flow. You can follow several tips to prevent unwanted page breaks, such as using the orphan control feature, adjusting paragraph settings, or hiding formatting marks.

Additionally, Microsoft Word offers various resources and shortcuts to help you manage page breaks efficiently, such as the Breaks button in the Page Layout tab, the Paragraph dialog box, and keyboard shortcuts like Ctrl+Enter for inserting a manual page break. You can easily create professional-looking documents by understanding and controlling page breaks in Word.

Types of Page Breaks

Types of Page Breaks

The user inserts manual page breaks to start a new page at a specific location in the Word document. On the other hand, automatic page breaks are inserted by Word based on the document’s formatting and content. Section breaks divide a document into different sections, each with its formatting and layout.

Continuous section breaks allow for different page orientations or margins within the document. Word also automatically inserts page breaks in tables to ensure they fit within the page margins. Page breaks can be removed manually or by adjusting the document’s formatting.

How to Remove Page Breaks in Word? – A Quick Guide

For Windows

For Windows

To remove a manual page break in Word for Windows:

  • Open the document and place your cursor at the beginning of the page following the break.
  • Navigate to the “Layout” tab in the ribbon and click on the small arrow icon in the Page Setup window.
  • Go to the “Page Layout” tab and click on “Breaks” in the ‘Page Setup’ tab and select “Next Page” from the dropdown menu.

This will effectively remove the page break and allow you to continue editing your document seamlessly.

For Mac

To remove page breaks in Word for Mac, open your document and select “Draft” view under the “View” tab. This allows you to see the page breaks. Click on the line representing the page break, then press the “Delete” key on your keyboard to remove it. Repeat this process for any additional page breaks you want to remove. Following these steps, you can easily manage and adjust page breaks in your Microsoft Word document on a Mac.

How to Adjust Automatic Page Breaks in Word?

Navigate to the “Page Layout” tab to adjust automatic page breaks in Word. Click “Breaks” within the tab and choose “Next Page” to manually insert a page break. Alternatively, you can modify automatic page breaks by selecting the desired paragraph or section, right-clicking, going to “Paragraph,” and checking the appropriate options under the “Line and Page Breaks” tab.

Why is it Important to Manage Page Breaks in Word?

Why is it Important to Manage Page Breaks in Word

Properly managing page breaks in Word is crucial for maintaining document formatting and layout. Controlling where a new page begins ensures that content flows smoothly and remains easily read. Avoid awkward page splits and keep important content together by effectively managing page breaks.

How to Avoid Unwanted Page Breaks in the Future?

To avoid unwanted page breaks in the future:

  • Utilize the “Keep with next” formatting option to keep paragraphs or headings together.
  • Adjust margins and font sizes to fit more content on each page.
  • Avoid unnecessary line breaks or spaces between paragraphs.
  • Preview in print layout view to identify and adjust potential issues with page breaks.


Page breaks can sometimes be frustrating and disruptive when working on a Word document. However, with a few simple steps, you can easily remove page breaks and ensure a seamless flow in your document. Whether you’re using Windows or Mac, our quick guide provides step-by-step instructions to remove page breaks effortlessly.

Managing page breaks is important to maintain your document’s overall structure and readability. By understanding different types of page breaks and how to adjust automatic page breaks, you can ensure that your content flows smoothly without any unnecessary interruptions.

To avoid unwanted page breaks in the future, it’s essential to plan your document layout carefully. Consider factors such as font size, margins, and spacing to prevent awkward page breaks from occurring.

FAQ – How to Remove Page Breaks in Word?

FAQ - How to Remove Page Breaks in Word

Why can’t I remove a page break in Word?

If you cannot remove a page break in Word, it could be due to hidden formatting or section breaks. Make sure you’re in “Page Layout” view and check for any locked page breaks caused by tables, images, or other objects. If all else fails, copy the content to a new document to remove lingering formatting issues.

Why do I have a page break in Word?

Page breaks in Word are automatically inserted by the program to start a new page or can be manually added by users. They are often used to separate sections or chapters in a document. To remove an unwanted page break, select it and press the delete key.

Why is page break adding a blank page?

Sometimes, page breaks in Word add a blank page due to formatting issues. To fix this, check for extra paragraph marks or line breaks before or after the page break. Also, ensure that the page break is not set to “Page Break Before” for the paragraph formatting. Adjusting margins and spacing can also prevent unnecessary blank pages.

How do you Delete a page with a section break?

To delete a page with a section break in Word, place your cursor at the beginning of the page. Go to the “Page Layout” tab and click “Breaks.” Under “Section Breaks,” select “Next Page.” Finally, use the backspace or delete key on your keyboard to remove the page.


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