How to Turn Off Android Auto? A Step-by-Step Guide

how to turn off android auto

Are you tired of Android Auto taking the wheel whenever you get into your car? If so, we’ve got some exciting news for you. In this blog post, we’ll show you exactly how to turn off Android Auto and regain control of your driving experience. Whether you’re looking to switch back to your phone’s native interface or simply want a break from the constant connectivity, we’ve got all the steps and tips you need. So buckle up and get ready as we dive into this guide on saying goodbye to Android Auto!

What is Android Auto?

What is Android Auto

Android Auto is a feature that allows drivers to use their smartphones to control car functions while driving. The system works with various devices, from certain Android phones to some Ford and GM vehicles. The most recent version of Android Auto is currently available for select Samsung and Toyota models.

Some things you can do with Android Auto include making calls, changing the radio station, checking navigation directions, and reading text messages. You can also access apps like Spotify or Netflix directly from the dashboard. Driving hands-free is easier than ever with Android Auto.

Reasons to Turn Off Android Auto

Reasons to Turn Off Android Auto

Android Auto provides a companion experience for Android users when using in-car accessories. It is turned on by default and will send automated driving instructions to your car’s infotainment system. However, there are times when you may want to turn off Android Auto or customize its settings. Here are some reasons why you might want to disable Android Auto.

You’re not using your car for long periods – If you rarely use your car, turning off Android Auto can save battery life and increase the efficiency of your smartphone.

If you rarely use your car, turning off Android Auto can save battery life and increase the efficiency of your smartphone. You’re not comfortable with the automated driving instructions – If you don’t feel comfortable with automated driving instructions, disabling Android Auto can provide more control over how this information is sent to your car.

If you don’t feel comfortable with automated driving instructions, disabling Android Auto can provide more control over how this information is sent to your car. You prefer to interact with the infotainment system manually. Clicking icons and menus on the screen increases control over what happens in the car compared to having an automated experience.

Clicking icons and menus on the screen increases control over what happens in the car compared to having an automated experience. You want more customization options – The default configuration of Android Auto can be modified through Settings > System > Advanced > Driving & Navigation > Android Auto.

How to Turn Off Android Auto?

Android Auto is a feature of Android devices that allows drivers to use their smartphones to control music playback, navigation, and other driving functions.

To disable Android Auto:

  1. Open the Settings app on your phone.
  2. Tap General.
  3. Under “Auto-launch and discovery,” uncheck the box next to “Android Auto.”
  4. If you don’t want your phone to launch apps when connected to power, tap Battery saving mode and turn off the switch next to “Take pictures and videos with the device.”

Tips for Turning Off Android Auto

Tips for Turning Off Android Auto

Android Auto is great for hands-free use, but it can be a drain on your battery. Here are some tips for turning off Android Auto:

  1. Open the Settings app and click “Auto Mode” under “Use Mobile Networks.” You can toggle this off and on as you need.
  2. Open the “Sound & Display” menu in Settings. You can control things like display brightness, sound volume, and airplane mode here.
  3. Open the “Device Administrators” panel in Settings by clicking on the three lines in the top left corner of the screen and selecting “Device Administrators.” Here you can determine whether or not Android Auto has access to various parts of your device, such as your location or contacts. For example, you might want to allow only trusted apps access to these features.
  4. If you’d rather not turn Auto Mode off altogether, switch to Voice Control instead under “OK Google” settings in the Settings app (by saying “OK Google” followed by a command like “Turn Off Wi-Fi”).


Android Auto can be a great way to keep hands-free while you drive, but it can also be a cumbersome task to turn it off if you don’t want it on all the time. Fortunately, several ways exist to temporarily disable Android Auto without completely removing it from your vehicle. Read our guide and find the best method for disabling Android Auto in your car!

FAQs – How to Turn Off Android Auto?

How do I shut off my Android Auto?

Go to Settings > AutoPlay and disable the toggle next to Android Auto.

How do I stop Android Auto from automatically connecting?

You can turn off Android Auto by opening the Settings app on your device, scrolling down to the AutoConnect section, and turning it off.

What happens if I disable Android Auto?

The phone cannot make or receive calls, access the internet, or play music. Additionally, you will be unable to use the car’s features, such as climate control and windshield wipers.

Why is Android Auto always running?

Android Auto may be running in the background on some vehicles even when you’re not using it. This can save time if you need to take a phone call or consult a map. To turn off Android Auto on your phone: Open the Google App Home Screen.

Does Android Auto come on automatically?

No, you need to turn it off manually. To turn it off: On your phone, go to “Settings”> “Auto Lock & Display.” From there, select “Android Auto-Lock.” Click on the “Off” button.


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