How to Unblock Someone on Snapchat? – A Step-by-Step Guide

How to Unblock Someone on Snapchat - A Step-by-Step Guide

Have you ever fallen out with someone on Snapchat and decided to block them? We’ve all been there. But now, you’re ready to move on and reconnect. This step-by-step guide will walk you through unblocking someone on Snapchat. First, we’ll explore why people block each other on the platform and what happens when you block someone.

Then, we’ll dive into the consequences of unblocking someone and how it can affect your interactions. Finally, we’ll provide a detailed guide on unblocking someone, from logging into your account to confirming the unblock action. Get ready to mend those digital fences and reconnect with old friends on Snapchat!

Why Do People Block on Snapchat?

Why Do People Block on Snapchat

There are various reasons why people block others on Snapchat. It could be to protect their privacy, avoid unwanted messages or harassment, or as a response to a disagreement or falling out. The motivations for blocking someone on Snapchat can differ from person to person.

What Happens When You Block Someone on Snapchat?

When you block someone on Snapchat, they lose the ability to send you snaps or messages. Additionally, they can’t view your Snapchat story or see your Bitmoji on the map. Blocking doesn’t remove them from your friend’s list but stops all interaction. Unblocking is simple if you change your mind through the app’s settings.

The Consequences of Unblocking Someone on Snapchat

Unblocking someone on Snapchat lets them see your content and interact with you again. Be cautious when unblocking someone, especially if they have previously caused harm or discomfort. Consider the potential consequences of reconnecting with that person. Ensure you have set boundaries and can handle any potential negative interactions. Prioritize your mental and emotional well-being when dealing with potentially toxic or harmful individuals on social media.

How to Unblock Someone on Snapchat? – A Step-by-Step Guide

Unblocking someone on Snapchat is a straightforward process that can be done in just a few steps. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you unblock someone on Snapchat:

  1. Open the Snapchat app: Launch the Snapchat app on your device and log into your account using your credentials.
  2. Access settings: Once logged in, tap on your profile icon in the top-left corner of the screen.
  3. Navigate to ‘Settings’: On your profile page, locate the gear icon in the top-right corner and tap on it.
  4. Find blocked users: In the settings menu, scroll down and find the “Blocked” option under the “Account Actions” section. Tap on it to proceed.
  5. Unblock the person: You’ll now see a list of all the people you have blocked on Snapchat. Choose a person’s name and hit ‘Unblock’.
  6. Confirm your decision: A confirmation prompt will appear, asking if you’re sure you want to unblock this person. Take a moment to consider your decision and then tap “Yes” to proceed.
  7. Successful unblocking: Once you’ve tapped “Yes,” the person will be unblocked, and you can reconnect with them on Snapchat. It’s important to remember that unblocking someone doesn’t automatically restore your previous conversations or friendships. You may need to initiate contact again to maintain a connection.

Remember, unblocking someone should be done with caution, especially if they have caused harm or discomfort in the past. Take the time to reflect on whether reconnecting is truly in your best interest. Prioritize your mental and emotional well-being when dealing with potentially toxic individuals.

Post-Unblocking Actions: How to Reconnect?

After unblocking someone on Snapchat, their account will be removed from your blocked list. To reconnect with them, you can send a friend request, or they can send you one. Alternatively, you can search for their username and add them as friends again. Communicating with the person after unblocking is important to ensure a healthy reconnection.


Unblocking someone on Snapchat can help you restore connections and mend relationships. It’s important to understand the reasons behind blocking and address any issues that led to it in the first place. By unblocking someone, you allow yourself to have open communication, resolve conflicts, and move forward. Follow our step-by-step guide to unblock someone on Snapchat and take the first step towards reconnecting. Rekindling friendships and rebuilding bridges can lead to stronger relationships and a more positive social circle.

FAQ – How to Unblock Someone on Snapchat?

FAQ - How to Unblock Someone on Snapchat

Can the Unblocked User See My Old Stories or Snaps?

Unblocking someone on Snapchat doesn’t grant them access to your previous stories or snaps. Only new content posted after unblocking will be visible to them. If you want to share past content, you must send it manually.

Why can’t I unblock someone on Snapchat?

You might be unable to unblock someone on Snapchat for several reasons. The person you are trying to unblock may have also blocked you back. Additionally, there may be a temporary glitch or issue with the app. If you continue to experience difficulties, try logging out and back into your account or contacting Snapchat support for assistance.

How do you see your blocked list on Snapchat?

To see your blocked list on Snapchat:

  • Tap your profile icon.
  • Tap on the gear icon.
  • Scroll down and select “Blocked” under Account Actions to view your blocked users on Snapchat.

Can a blocked person still see chats on Snapchat?

No, when you block someone on Snapchat, they cannot see your chats. Blocking removes them from your friends list and restricts their access to sending snaps or viewing stories. However, previous chats and media will remain visible unless you delete the conversation from your chat history.

What’s the difference between blocking and unfriending on Snapchat?

In Snapchat, blocking someone means they can’t send snaps, chat with you, or see your stories. Unfriending someone means you won’t be friends on the app, but they can still send you snaps and view your public stories. Blocking doesn’t notify the person, while unfriending sends a notification. To unblock someone, visit your settings and find the blocked users list. However, if you unfriend someone, you must add them as friends again.


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